class VUtils { static makePublic() { if (VUtils.isUsed) { return; } this.initHandlers(); VUtils.isUsed = true; console.log("[VUtils] is now available in the Global Space! no VUtils. anymore needed"); } static initHandlers() { window.$ = this.$; window.$$ = this.$$; window.tryCatch = this.tryCatch; VUtils.nodePrototypes(); } static $(selector, from) { from = from || document; return from.querySelector(selector); } static $$(selector, from) { from = from || document; return from.querySelectorAll(selector); } static tryCatch(data, callback, error) { data = VUtils.wrap(data, []); error = error || console.error; callback = callback || console.log; try { callback(; } catch (e) { error(e); } } static forEach(items, cb, error) { for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { VUtils.tryCatch([items[i], i], cb, error); } } static get(valueOne, value) { return this.wrap(valueOne, value); } static mergeKeys(root, target) { root = root || {}; let keys = Object.keys(root); for (let key of keys) { target[key] = root[key]; } return target; } static mergeOptions(target, root) { root = root || {}; let keys = Object.keys(root); for (let key of keys) { target[key] = VUtils.get(root[key], target[key]); } return target; } static wrap(valueOne, valueTwo) { let x = typeof valueTwo; if (!(valueOne instanceof Array) && valueTwo instanceof Array) { return [valueOne]; } if (x === 'string' && valueOne instanceof Array) { return valueOne.join("."); } return valueOne === undefined ? valueTwo : valueOne; } static tempId() { return 'temp_' + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 16); } static nodePrototypes() { Node.prototype.find = function (selector) { return this.closest(selector); }; Node.prototype.createNew = function (tag, options) { let el = document.createElement(tag); if (options.classes) { el.classList.add(...VUtils.get(options.classes, [])); } = VUtils.get(, ''); el.innerHTML = VUtils.get(options.content, ""); VUtils.mergeKeys(options.dataset, el.dataset); if (VUtils.get(options.append, true) === true) { this.appendChild(el); } return el; }; Node.prototype.addDelegatedEventListener = function (type, aim, callback, err) { if (!callback || !type || !aim) return; this.addMultiListener(type, (event) => { let target =; if (event.detail instanceof HTMLElement) { target = event.detail; } if (target instanceof HTMLElement) { if (target.matches(aim)) { VUtils.tryCatch([event, target], callback, err); } else { const parent = target.find(aim); if (parent) { VUtils.tryCatch([event, parent], callback, err); } } } }); }; Node.prototype.addMultiListener = function (listener, cb, options = {}) { let splits = listener.split(" "); for (let split of splits) { this.addEventListener(split, cb, options); } }; } } VUtils.makePublic(); class VRipple { constructor(options = {}) { if (!VUtils.isUsed) { throw "VRipply is only with Public VUtils usable!" } let self = this; self.options = JSON.parse('{"classes":["btn-ripple__effect"],"target":"body","selector":".btn-ripple"}'); VUtils.mergeOptions(self.options, options); if (self.options.selector.indexOf("#") > -1) { throw "ID's are not allowed as selector!"; } this.instanceCheck(); this.ripples = []; requestAnimationFrame(this.initHandler.bind(this)); } instanceCheck() { let opts = this.options; const rawKey = [, opts.selector, opts.classes.join(".")].join(" "); VRipple.instances = VRipple.instances || {}; VRipple.instances[rawKey] = this; } initHandler() { let self = this; let selector = self.options.selector; let target = $(; target.addDelegatedEventListener('mousedown touchstart', selector, (e, el) => { let pos = e.touches ? e.touches[0] : e; let parent = el.parentNode; let circle = el.createNew('span', self.options); let bounds = parent.getBoundingClientRect(); let x = pos.clientX - bounds.left; let y = pos.clientY -; = y + 'px'; = x + 'px'; circle._mouseDown = true; circle._animationEnded = false; self.ripples.push(circle); }); document.body.addDelegatedEventListener('animationend', '.' + VUtils.get(self.options.classes, ''), self.rippleEnd.bind(self)) if (!document.body._vRippleInit) { document.body.addMultiListener('mouseup touchend mouseleave rippleClose', e => { let keys = Object.keys(VRipple.instances); for (let key of keys) { for (let ripple of VRipple.instances[key].ripples) { self.rippleEnd.bind(VRipple.instances[key])(e, ripple); } } }) document.body._vRippleInit = true; } } rippleEnd(ev, el) { const parent = el.parentNode; if (parent) { if (ev.type === 'animationend') { el._animationEnded = true; } else { el._mouseDown = false; } if (!el._mouseDown && el._animationEnded) { if (el.classList.contains('to-remove')) { el.parentNode.removeChild(el); this.ripples.splice(this.ripples.indexOf(el), 1) } else { el.classList.add('to-remove'); } } } } } const rippler = new VRipple(); (function () { window._openVSelect = null; requestAnimationFrame(e => { document.body.addEventListener('click', ev => { if (window._openVSelect &&'v-select') !== window._openVSelect) { window._openVSelect.toggle(false); } }) }) class VSelectElement extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); let self = this; self._in = this.attachInternals(); self._in.role = 'select'; self.setAttribute('tabindex', 0); self.update(); } static get formAssociated() { return true; } static get observedAttributes() { return ['required', 'validity']; } get required() { return this.hasAttribute('required'); } set required(flag) { this.toggleAttribute('required', Boolean(flag)); } get name() { return this.getAttribute('name'); } set name(val) { this.toggleAttribute('name', val); } get form() { return this._in.form; } get options() { return $$('v-options v-option', this); } get selected() { return $$('v-options v-option[selected]', this); } update() { let selected = [], lbl = $('v-label', this), fd = new FormData(); this.selected.forEach(e => { selected.push(e.innerText); fd.append(, e.value); }) lbl.attributeChangedCallback('value', '', selected.join(", ")); if (this.required && selected.length === 0) { this._in.setValidity({customError: true}, "Option is needed"); } else { this._in.setValidity({}); } this._in.setFormValue(fd); } checkValidity() { return this._in.checkValidity(); } reportValidity() { return this._in.reportValidity(); } toggle(open) { if (window._openVSelect && open) { window._openVSelect.toggleSelect(false); } const options = $('v-options', this); if (!open || this.isOpen) { = '0'; window._openVSelect = false; this.isOpen = false; this.update(); } else { options.focus(); let height = 0, children = options.children; for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { height += children[i].offsetHeight; } = height + 'px'; window._openVSelect = this; this.isOpen = true; } } } class VSelectOptionElement extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); this._in = this.attachInternals(); this._in.role = 'option'; this.addEventListener('click', e => { let parent = this.parentNode.parentNode, select = !this.selected; if (!parent.hasAttribute('multiple')) { parent.toggle(false); for (let item of parent.selected) { if (item !== this) { item.removeAttribute('selected'); } } } if (!this.disabled) { this.attributeChangedCallback('selected', false, select, true); this.parentNode.parentNode.update(); } }); } static get observedAttributes() { return ['selected', 'disabled', 'value']; } attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue, force) { if (name === 'selected' && this.hasAttribute('disabled')) { this.removeAttribute(name); return; } if (name === 'disabled' && newValue === true && this.hasAttribute('selected')) { this.attributeChangedCallback('selected', false, false); } if (force) { if (newValue) { this.setAttribute(name, newValue); } else { this.removeAttribute(name); } } this[name] = newValue; } } class VLabel extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); this.empty = this.getAttribute('empty') || ""; this.innerHTML = this.getAttribute("value") || this.empty; this.addEventListener('click', this.openPopUp.bind(this)); } static get observedAttributes() { return ['empty', 'value']; } openPopUp() { this.parentNode.toggle(true); } attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) { if (name === 'value') { this.innerHTML = newValue || this.empty; } this[name] = newValue; } } customElements.define("v-label", VLabel); customElements.define("v-option", VSelectOptionElement); customElements.define("v-select", VSelectElement); })(); class FormHandler { constructor(selector, parent, cb, err) { this.cb = cb || console.log; this.err = err || console.err; $(parent).addDelegatedEventListener('submit', selector, this.handleEvent.bind(this)); } handleEvent(e, el) { e.preventDefault(); if (el.checkValidity()) { const url = el.action ?? ''; if (url === '') { console.error("No URL Found on Form", el); return; } fetch(el.action, { method: el.method.toUpperCase(), credentials: 'same-origin', body: new FormData(el), redirect: 'manual' }).then(res => { if (!res.ok) { throw new Error('Network response errored'); } return res.json() }).then(ev => this.cb(ev, el)).catch(ev => this.err(ev, el)); } else { VUtils.forEach($$('input', el), ele => { if (!ele.checkValidity()) { let parent = ele.parentNode; parent.classList.remove('valid'); parent.classList.add('invalid'); } }); } } } (function () { class VInput extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); let self = this; = || VUtils.tempId(); let val = self.innerHTML; self.innerHTML = ''; let input = self.input = self.createNew('input', {id:}) let label = self.createNew('label', {content: self.dataset.label}); self.createNew('span', {classes: 'error', content: self.dataset.error}); label.setAttribute('for',; input.type = self.getAttribute('type') || 'text'; input.value = val.trim(); input.required = self.hasAttribute('required'); = self.getAttribute('name'); input.addMultiListener('change input', self.cb.bind(self)); } connectedCallback() { this.cb({currentTarget: this.input}, true); } cb(e, noInvalid) { let el = e.currentTarget let errorMessage = $('.error-message', el.find('form')); if (errorMessage) { errorMessage.classList.add('hide') } let cl = this.classList; if (el.value === "") { cl.remove('focus') } else { cl.add('focus') } if (el.checkValidity()) { cl.add('valid'); cl.remove('invalid'); } else { if (!noInvalid) { cl.remove('valid'); cl.add('invalid'); } } } } class VSwitch extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); const id = || VUtils.tempId(); $('input', this).id = id; $('label', this).setAttribute('for', id); } } customElements.define("v-input", VInput); customElements.define("v-switch", VSwitch); if ($('#login')) { new FormHandler('form#login', 'body', () => { location.reload(); }, (e, el) => { $('.error-message', el).classList.remove('hide'); }) } })(); (() => { class VEdit { constructor(selector) { let self = this; self.editor = selector instanceof HTMLElement ? selector : $(selector); self.todoOnKey = {}; self.keys = []; self.backup = []; self.taberr = [">", " ", "\n", "<"]; = 'veditor-' +; self.init(); self.selfClosing = ["img", "area", "base", "br", "col", "embed", "hr", "img", "input", "link", "menuitem", "meta", "param", "source", "track"]; self.restore(); } init() { let self = this; self.editor.addEventListener('keydown', self.handleKey.bind(self)); self.addKey('Tab', self.pressTab.bind(self)); self.addKey('<', self.addEmptyTags.bind(self)); self.addKey('ctrl-z', self.undo.bind(self)); self.addKey('ctrl-s',; self.addKey('ctrl-shift-S', self.delete.bind(self)); self.editor.classList.add(, 'veditor') } registerSelfClosing(name) { this.selfClosing.push(name); } restore() { let item = localStorage.getItem(; if (item) { this.editor.value = item; } } delete() { localStorage.removeItem(; console.log(`[VEdit] Editor: ${} removed`); } store() { localStorage.setItem(, this.editor.value); console.log(`[VEdit] Editor: ${} saved`); } handleKey(e) { let self = this; if ((e.ctrlKey && e.key === 'Control') || (e.shiftKey && e.key === 'Shift')) { return; } let key; if (e.ctrlKey && e.shiftKey) { key = 'ctrl-shift-' + e.key; } else if (e.ctrlKey) { key = 'ctrl-' + e.key; } if (key) { if (this.keys.indexOf(key) !== -1) { e.preventDefault(); this.todoOnKey[key](); return; } } let cont = self.editor.value; const pos = self.editor.selectionStart if (self.backup.length > 50) { self.backup.shift(); } self.backup.push([cont, pos]); if (self.keys.indexOf(e.key) > -1) { e.preventDefault(); let w = self.todoOnKey[e.key](pos, cont, this.editor); w[0].push(cont.substr(pos)) self.afterWork(w); } } undo() { let back = this.backup.pop() || [this.editor.value, this.editor.selectionStart]; this.editor.value = back[0]; this.editor.setSelectionRange(back[1], back[1]); } afterWork(data) { this.setText(data[0].join("")); this.editor.setSelectionRange(data[1], data[1]); } setText(text) { this.editor.value = text; } addKey(name, func) { this.todoOnKey[name] = func; this.keys.push(name); } addEmptyTags(pos, cont, e) { return [[cont.substr(0, pos), '<>'], pos + 1]; } pressTab(pos, cont, e) { let self = this; let sub, prevContent, moveTo = pos; if (pos === 0 || self.taberr.indexOf(cont[pos - 1]) !== -1) { sub = ` `; moveTo += 4; prevContent = cont.substr(0, pos); } else if (self.taberr.indexOf(cont[pos - 1]) === -1) { let i = 2; while (self.taberr.indexOf(cont[pos - i]) === -1 && pos - i > 0) { i++; } if (pos - i > 0) { i -= 1; } let gen = self.generateTag(cont.substr(pos - i, i).trim()); sub = gen[0]; moveTo = pos - i + gen[1]; prevContent = cont.substr(0, pos - i); } return [[prevContent, sub], moveTo] } generateTag(sub) { let raw, groups = {'.': [], '#': []}, keys = Object.keys(groups), cGroup = 'cl', split = sub.split(/([#.])/g); raw = split.shift(); for (let item of split) { if (keys.indexOf(item) > -1) { cGroup = item; continue; } groups[cGroup].push(item); } let second = ''; if (groups["."].length > 0) { second += ` class="${groups["."].join(" ")}"`; } if (groups['#'].length > 0) { second += ` id="${groups['#'].join("-")}"`; } const c = this.selfClosing; let close = ''; if (c.indexOf(raw.trim()) === -1) { close = ``; } let pre = `<${raw}${second}>`; return [`${pre}${close}`, pre.length]; } } class VEditor extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); this.editor = document.createElement('textarea'); this.editor.innerHTML = this.innerHTML; = this.getAttribute('name'); for (let attribute of this.attributes) { this.editor.setAttribute(, attribute.value); } this.innerHTML = ''; this.appendChild(this.editor); this.edit = new VEdit(this.editor); } connectedCallback() { this.edit.restore(); } disconnectedCallback() {; } } customElements.define("v-editor", VEditor); })(); (() => { const mobileBreakpoint = 1023; const main = $('main'); function isMobileDevice() { return window.matchMedia("(max-width: " + mobileBreakpoint + "px)").matches; } window.isMobileDevice = isMobileDevice; $('body').addDelegatedEventListener('click', '.nav-toggle', (e, el) => { if (isMobileDevice()) { main.classList.toggle('nav-open'); } }); })(); (() => { class Router { constructor(options) { let self = this; self.options = options; document.body.addDelegatedEventListener('click', '[data-link]', (e, el) => { e.preventDefault(); $$('[data-link].active').forEach(ex => (ex.classList.remove('active'))); let loader = $('.loader').classList; loader.remove('hide'); this.handleRouting(el.dataset).then(e => { loader.add('hide'); el.classList.add('active'); }); }) document.body.addEventListener('triggerRouter', e => { let storage = sessionStorage.getItem('url') || JSON.stringify({data: {link: $('[data-link].active')}}); this.handle(storage); }) window.addEventListener('popstate', e => { this.handle(e.state); }) self.components = {}; window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('routerReady')); window.routerIsReady = true; } handle(item) { if (!item) { return; } item = JSON.parse(item); this.handleRouting( => { let it = $('[data-link="' + + '"]'); if (it) { it.classList.add('active'); } }); } async handleRouting(dataset) { try { let url =, comp = this.components[url]; if (url === "") return null; if (comp) url = comp.getUrl(dataset); let data = await this.handleRequest(url, true); // we know the admin backend only returns json so we cheat a bit :) if (data.reload) { return location.reload(); } comp = comp || this.components[data.component] || null; if (comp) { sessionStorage.setItem('url', JSON.stringify({data: dataset})); comp.handle(data, dataset).then(r => { $(this.options.toReplace).innerHTML = r; history.pushState(JSON.stringify({data: dataset}), document.title); }); } else { await alert("Error"); } return null; } catch (e) { return e; } } async handleRequest(url, forceJSON) { url = url.trim(); if (url === '') return; // await ;) return await fetch(url, { credentials: "same-origin" }).then(res => { if (!res.ok) { throw `URL is Status: ${res.status}`; } let c = res.headers.get("Content-Type"); if (c.indexOf('json') !== -1 || forceJSON) return res.json(); if (c.indexOf('text') !== -1) return res.text(); return res.blob(); }).catch(err => { console.error(err) return null; }); } addComponent(name, component) { this.components[name] = component; } } window.router = new Router({ toReplace: '.content-area' }) })(); 'use strict'; class VTpeLCore { constructor(options = {}) { this.templates = {}; this.dir = options.path || '/tpl/'; this.suffix = options.suffix || 'tpl'; this.path = options.template || `${this.dir}%s.${this.suffix}`; this.cache = options.cache === undefined ? true : options.cache; } async loadTemplate(name) { if (this.templates[name]) { return null; } let path = this.path.replace('%s', name); let rawData = await fetch(path, {cache: "force-cache"}); if (rawData.ok) { let data = await rawData.text(); this.addTpl(name, data); } return null; } async loadArray(names) { for (let name of names) { await this.loadTemplate(name); } } addTpl(name, content) { let temp = this.templates[name] = new VTpeLTemplate(name, content, this); temp.parseContent(this.cache); } async renderOn(name, data) { if (this.templates[name]) { return await this.templates[name].render(data); } return ''; } } 'use strict'; const VParserTypes = { content: 0, variable: 1, for: 2, forEach: 3, forContent: 4, forEnd: 5, if: 6, ifContent: 7, ifEnd: 8, assign: 9, include: 10, none: -1, }; class VTpeLParser { constructor(name, content) { let self = this; = name; self.legex = content.trim(); self.index = 0; self.content = ''; self.parsed = []; self.contexts = [0]; } tokenize() { let self = this; for (self.index = 0; self.index < self.legex.length; self.index++) { let i = self.index, char = self.legex.charAt(i); if (self.nextContains('/*', i, true)) { self.extract('*/', VParserTypes.none) } else if (self.nextContains('// ', i, true)) { self.extract("\n", VParserTypes.none); } else if (self.nextContains('', VParserTypes.none); } else if (self.nextContains('{for(', i, true)) { self.extract(')}', VParserTypes.for); self.contexts.push(VParserTypes.for); } else if (self.nextContains('{include(', i, true)) { self.extract(')}', VParserTypes.include); self.contexts.push(VParserTypes.include); } else if (self.nextContains('{foreach(', i, true)) { self.extract(')}', VParserTypes.forEach); self.contexts.push(VParserTypes.forEach); } else if (self.nextContains('{/for}', i, true)) { self.addType(VParserTypes.forEnd); self.contexts.pop(); } else if (self.nextContains('{if(', i, true)) { self.extract(')}', VParserTypes.if); self.contexts.push(VParserTypes.if); } else if (self.nextContains('{/if}', i, true)) { self.addType(VParserTypes.ifEnd); self.contexts.pop(); } else if (self.nextContains('$${', i, true)) { self.extract('}', VParserTypes.assign); } else if (self.nextContains('${', i, true)) { self.extract('}', VParserTypes.variable); } else { self.content += char; } } self.addType(VParserTypes.content); return self.parsed; } addType(type) { let self = this; let content = self.content.replace(/^\n+|\n+$/g, ''), instructions = self.findInstructions(type); self.content = ''; if (type !== VParserTypes.none) { if (type === VParserTypes.content && content === '') { return null; } return self.parsed.push({ content: content, type: type, context: self.contexts[self.contexts.length - 1], instructions: instructions }); } return null; } nextContains(find, index, add = false) { let count = this.nextContainsRaw(this.legex, find, index); if (add && count > 0) { this.index += count; } return count > 0 || count === -1; } nextContainsRaw(raw, find, index) { if (typeof find === "string") { find = find.split(""); } let count = find.length; if (count < 1) { return -1; } for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { let nc = raw.charAt(index + i); if ((find[i] === '\n' && nc === undefined)) { return count; } if (find[i] !== nc) { return 0; } } return count; } extract(findUntil = '}', type = 1) { let self = this; self.addType(0); findUntil = findUntil.split("") let content = '', index = self.index, legex = self.legex, firstFind = findUntil.shift(); for (let i = self.index; i < legex.length; i++) { let char = legex.charAt(i); if (char === firstFind && self.nextContains(findUntil, i + 1)) { console.debug(`[Parser][${index} > ${i}] >> ${content}`); self.index = i + findUntil.length; self.content = content.trim(); self.addType(type); return; } content += char; } if (firstFind === "\n") { self.index = legex.length; self.content = content.trim(); self.addType(type); return } throw 'Template variable at Position: ' + index + ' not closed!'; } // @todo implement split... is needed for if statements and math stuff or get it stupid! getOperator(string) { let operators = []; for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) { if (this.nextContainsRaw(string, "(", i)) { let innerCon = ''; for (let x = 0; x < string.length; x++) { let char = string.charAt(i + x); if (char === ')') { break; } innerCon += char; } operators = [...operators, this.getOperator(innerCon)]; } else { } } return operators; } findInstructions(type) { if (type === VParserTypes.if) { return this.getOperator(this.content); } return []; } } 'use strict'; class VTepLInterpreter { constructor(parser, core) { this.parser = parser; = []; this.content = ''; this.core = core; } async render(data) { let self = this; = data; let newData = await self.interpreter(self.parser.parsed); = []; return newData[0]; } async interpreter(parsed, index = 0) { let self = this; let types = VParserTypes; let tplCont = ''; for (let i = index; i < parsed.length; i++) { let item = parsed[i], content = item.content; switch (item.type) { case types.content: tplCont += content; break; case types.variable: tplCont += self.getVariable(content) break; case types.assign: let data = content.split("="), key = data.shift(); self.setVariable(data.join("=").trim(), key.trim()); break; case types.forEach: let d = await this.handleForEach(item, parsed, i); i = d[0]; tplCont += d[1]; break; case types.for: let fd = await this.handleFor(item, parsed, i); i = fd[0]; tplCont += fd[1]; break; case types.if: let id = await this.handleIf(item, parsed, i); i = id[0]; tplCont += id[1]; break; case types.include: tplCont += await this.handleInclude(item); break; case types.ifEnd: tplCont += content; return [tplCont, i]; case types.forEnd: tplCont += content; return [tplCont, i]; default: console.warn("Invalid Type found"); break; } } return [tplCont, parsed.length]; } getVariable(variable) { variable = variable.toString(); if ([variable]) { return[variable]; } let split = variable.split("."), prevVar =; for (let i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { prevVar = prevVar[split[i]] || prevVar; } if (typeof prevVar === 'string') { return prevVar; } if (typeof prevVar === 'number') { return prevVar.toString(); } return ''; } setVariable(value, variable) { let c = this.getVariable(value); if (c !== '') { value = c; }[variable] = value; } async handleForEach(item, parsed, i) { let content = item.content.split(" as "); let root = this.getVariable(content[0].trim()); let addTo = 0, isInvalid = false; if (root === '') { isInvalid = true; root = {invalid: "true"}; } let d = Object.keys(root), raw = '', varContent = content[1].trim().split(","); for (let x of d) { if (varContent.length === 2) { this.setVariable(x, varContent[1]); } this.setVariable(root[x], varContent[0]); let data = await this.interpreter(parsed, i + 1); addTo = data[1]; raw += data[0]; } if (isInvalid) { raw = ''; } return [addTo, raw]; } async handleInclude(item) { let split = item.content.split(";"), name = split.shift(), data = {}; await this.core.loadTemplate(name); for (let item of split) { let d = item.split("="), index = d.shift(), dat = d.join("="); if (dat.startsWith("$")) { dat = this.getVariable(dat.substr(1, dat.length)); } data[index] = dat; } return await this.core.renderOn(name, data); } async handleFor(item, parsed, ind) { let content = item.content.split(" as "), addTo = 0, count = content[0].trim().split(".."), max = parseInt(count[1]), min = parseInt(count[0]), newContent = ''; for (let i = min; i < max; i++) { this.setVariable(i.toString(), content[1]); let data = await this.interpreter(parsed, ind + 1); addTo = data[1]; newContent += data[0]; } return [addTo, newContent]; } async handleIf(item, parsed, i) { let data = await this.interpreter(parsed, i + 1); return [data[1], data[0]]; } } 'use strict'; class VTpeLTemplate { constructor(name, content, core) { = name; this.tpl = content; this.parser = new VTpeLParser(name, content); this.core = core; } async render(data = {}) { return await new VTepLInterpreter(this.parser, this.core).render(data); } parseContent(cache) { if (cache) { let storage = localStorage.getItem("vtepl-"; if (storage) { this.parser.parsed = JSON.parse(storage); return; } } this.parser.tokenize(); if (cache) { localStorage.setItem("vtepl-", JSON.stringify(this.parser.parsed)); } } } (() => { window.tpl = new VTpeLCore({ template: '/admin/api/templateLoader?tpl=%s', cache: !document.body.hasAttribute('debug') }); //preload includes to make sure they are loaded always :) window.tpl.loadArray([ 'includes/btn', 'includes/input', 'includes/select', 'includes/svg', 'includes/switch' ]) })();