- added TestController.php - added temp function to load controllers (should load later via seo urls) - added baseTemplate for default look and feel - removed adding file extension -> always need to be .php!
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51 lines
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use Venom\Config;
use Venom\Database\DatabaseHandler;
$config = Config::getInstance();
DatabaseHandler::DB_TYPE => 'mysql', //please change only if you now what you're doing! this can break a lot.
DatabaseHandler::DB_HOST => '',
DatabaseHandler::DB_PORT => '3306', //default port is 3306
DatabaseHandler::DB_USER => 'venom',
DatabaseHandler::DB_PASSWORD => 'venomPassword',
DatabaseHandler::DB_DB => 'venomCMS',
DatabaseHandler::DB_EXTRA => '' // need to start with ';'
// used for external batch-mailing and error reporting.
// please generate login data at: api.vstz.dev
'url' => 'https://api.vstz.dev/v1/',
'user' => 'vstz',
'pw' => '6(f&B~ZxH3DfC#qJ',
'logsError' => true
'useBatch' => true, //if true it will not send mails.
'writeToDB' => true, //is needed for batch and is always true if batch is used
//this stuff is only important if not using batch mailing!
'host' => 'localhost',
'port' => '587',
'useTLS' => true, //use startTLS. is the default case ;) here it's important the security Cert is secure...
'user' => 'youruser@yourdomain.de',
'password' => 'this-is-secret',
'from' => 'info@venom.io'
// all templates are in __DIR__/tpl/
// all themes are in __DIR__/public/theme/
'theme' => 'default', //very important! it will search for a folder with this name.
'baseFile' => 'base', //this will called after all templates are rendered...
'useCache' => false, //is only on big systems good
'cacheName' => 'defaultCache', //this is for bigger systems, ignore it
$config->close(); |